GeneralNon-litigation Law Consultant in Surabaya

You who are a business owner, surely know in running a business requires a lot of funds. In fact, in business activities you do a lot of transactions in which the nominal amount does not mess with the parties involved. This, can lead to disputes between parties involved. Thus, you need Non-litigation Law Consultant in Surabaya.

Problems in Business Disputes

Spending money with not a small amount in business transactions with other parties, will not be separated from the name of a business dispute. You must know in advance about business disputes. A dispute is a conflict between two parties that will give rise to the law and one of the parties may be subject to legal sanctions.

Seeing the rapid economic development in Indonesia, gave birth to many new businesses. The new businesses that have arisen have caused a lot of cooperation, but that cannot prevent the business from disputes. This conflict can occur by two types, namely conflict of interest and other parties. This must be understood first and underlined.

Business disputes include trade disputes, banking, finance, investment, industry, IPR, consumers, contracts, jobs, labor, companies, property, and construction. In resolving disputes problems can be done in two ways, namely solving business disputes using litigation or non-litigation methods.

Well, for those of you who are confused about disputes abuse. You can consult it to Ansugi Law. Ansugi Law is a Non-litigation Law Consultant in Surabaya and other business law. This needs to be taken seriously so that you don’t make fatal mistakes in running your company. But, take it easy if you submit a problem here.

Business Dispute Settlement Using Non Litigation

Seeing the many problems of business disputes, you can resolve dispute problems through Surabaya non-litigation legal consultation. Before entering into dispute resolution, you must know about non-litigation first. Non-litigation is the resolution of a problem without a court of law or without formal Indonesian law.

Do you want to solve business dispute problems using non-litigation channels? However, you don’t understand how to take care of it, so just use Ansugi Law’s services as your Non-litigation Law Consultant in Surabaya. With the help of legal consultations, you can better understand what steps need to be taken.
You can do non-litigation dispute resolution through arbitration, negotiation, mediation, conciliation, consultation, and expert judgment. Instead of being confused right now, you can consult the problem and the solution through Ansugi Law. Ansugi has an office on Jalan Tegalsari No. 33, Surabaya and already have a team that can really be relied upon.

Therefore, when you have any problem in doing business, it can be solved easily just by consulting with Ansugi Law.



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