GeneralTrustworthy Advocate in Surabaya

Do you, as a creditor, want to file a summons to the debtor? However, confused to consult further with this problem to whom. Take it easy, you can rely on trustworthy advocate in Surabaya, Ansugi Law. Ask questions about subpoena here and take the solution.

Subpoena in Business Affairs

Do you already know about subpoena now? When, you do not really understand about subpoena. So this time, there will be an explanation about the subpoena if you can understand. Subpoena is a warrant. This warrant contains warnings or sanctions against defaulting debtors. Default is carrying out obligations that have not been done or broken promises.

When you are confused about making a summons to a debtor, you can consult with a trustworthy advocate in Surabaya. Are you still confused about how to send a subpoena to the debtor? Cast a summons to the debtor does not need to require legal counsel. When someone represents the power, it can just do a summons kite.

Someone who has the power is considered a legal standing just to cast a summons. In a summons, the contents must be contained; the thing requested (payment of credit principal), the basics of submitting a request (in accordance with the agreement between the two parties), the deadline for the debtor (appointment of good faith), and sanctions for the debtor if the warning is violated.

Sending Subpoena through Advocates

When, you already know the subpoena is a letter submitted by the creditor to the debtor in order to fulfill the achievements according to the contents of the agreement. Note, Article 103 of the Company Law that governs the Board of Directors of the PT can be authorized to give written authorization to one (1) employee or more (other people) on behalf of the company to take legal actions according to the power of attorney.

Can this summons be filed or must be done by a lawyer? Actually this should not be done by you. This subpoena can be posted by anyone, as long as the person who sent the subpoena has been authorized by the Directors of PT. You can rely on the subpoena issue directly to Ansugi Law, trustworthy advocate in Surabaya.

So, you can hire the services of any advocate. Including services from Ansugi Law, trustworthy advocate in Surabaya. Not only the summons problem can be solved, you can do the pratice areas offered by Ansugi You can use all the facilities available by contacting the contact listed here. Consult your problem satisfied and resolved.

Previously, Ansugi had provided practice areas ranging from civil law, contract law, business law, property law, legal compliance, mediation, negotiation, dispute resolution, and litigation. All matters concerning the law in running a business, you can easily consult only here.



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