GeneralLitigation Legal Consultant in Surabaya

The large number of financial transactions in the business world between one party and another party, also makes the problem of disputes bigger in business. Solving the problem of business disputes can be done in two ways, namely litigation and non-litigation. You can search for Surabaya litigation legal consultants at Ansugi and non litigation as well.

Settlement of Business Dispute Issues Through Litigation

Problems regarding business disputes can not be avoided from the beginning when you become the owner of running a business. In this case there are many problems of business disputes, ranging from commerce, banking, property, investment, IPR, labor, consumers, contracts, and others. This can be resolved in two ways, namely litigation or non-litigation.

At present, litigation can also be an alternative dispute resolution. When, the non litigation path can not produce any results at all. Here, did you find out about litigation? Litigation is the preparation and presentation of existing cases, including in explaining all problems and providing information to get a settlement point.

The point of resolution of the problem this time was resolved through litigation (legal or court). You could say this litigation because of the implementation of the lawsuit. Where, your party gets a big loss as a result of the defendant. This means that you need clarity from the defendant regarding business disputes and this is a rather serious business complaint.

Therefore, seeing this litigation route is quite strenuous and brings a trial route. You can first resolve the dispute problem using a non-litigation path. When the non-litigation channel does not produce any results in business dispute matters, you can take steps in resolving legal disputes.

Business Disputes Can Consult with Lawyer

When There are problems with business disputes, of course you as the owner must act. Dealing with this serious problem, you can communicate it with the company’s old lawyer. When you don’t feel comfortable communicating with an old lawyer, just use the Surabaya litigation legal consultant from Ansugi.

The Surabaya litigation legal consultant from Ansugi, has opened various practice areas in Jalan Tegalsari No. 33, Surabaya. Together with reliable teams, Ansugi provides services to business owners who have problems with the company at the moment but other lawyers do not make it convenient to communicate.

Ansugi, the Surabaya litigation legal consultant, prioritizes business owners who need help regarding legal issues in doing business. So, don’t miss this opportunity to be tried by you. Give all your complaints about the business, and will be happy to be answered fully here.



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