GeneralLaw Firm in Surabaya

You want to try to be a property developer for now. Actually, being a property developer is practically easy and easy. But all that can run smoothly when you comply with applicable law in Indonesia. Not only that, you can do a consultation with Ansugi law firm in Surabaya, not to miss using this opportunity.


Want to Become a Property Developer, What are the Costs Costs?


When you want to set up a business, then what often becomes the question is about the initial cost or initial capital to be able to run the business. As is the case, seeing the current conditions there are therefore many considerations also when you want to become a property developer. Well, in this case property developers must be able to think carefully about the initial cost.


How to consider the cost of becoming a property developer? Costs that need to be considered in this property developer business projection are the per-meter land purchase price and the selling price of land plots, per-meter building prices and per-unit selling prices, and legality costs, including licensing and land certificates.


Well, on seeing this financing. Legality fee points, including licensing and land certificates. At this point there are still many beginner property developers who are still unfamiliar with this one point. For novice developers at this time, can be done by consulting at Ansugi, the best and most trusted law firm in Surabaya. Everything can be finished easily only here.


Things You Need To Prepare For Beginner Property Developers

What should a novice property developer be prepared at this time? The thing that needs to be prepared now is a permit. Here, there are 7 licensing letters that must be prepared by property developers before running their business. This preparation must be done carefully so that it does not become one of the effects arising from the problem.

Generally, what permissions are needed to run a property business? Here it has been explained that there are 7 permits. The permit is a principle permit, a land use permit (IPT), a site plan permit, a flood pell permit, a drying permit (for a land that has a paddy land certificate), a building height permit, and a building construction permit (IMB).

Don’t forget to take care of the location permit. This must be done so that conflicts do not occur either internal or external. From now on let’s consult with Ansugi Law, the best law firm in Surabaya today. All ignorance and problems can be discussed and consulted with Ansugi Law. The entire teams also have experience in the legal field.

Therefore, do not miss this great opportunity. You can contact Ansugi Law, the best and most trusted law firm in Surabaya.



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