GeneralBusiness Law Consultant in Surabaya

Are you a property developer? Of course at this time you are going to sell property, one of which is housing, right? At this time, do you already know about the main rules in selling housing? You can consult in advance at Ansugi Law, a business law consultant in Surabaya. You can find out all the legal problems in the property business here.

How do you sell houses that are being built?

When you become a property developer (housing) ready to help those who are interested in making a purchase. Is the housing sold to buyers now complete? If the building has not yet become complete, so at this time pull the sale price, do not pull it completely. This has already been discussed about property business law and asked the business law consultant in Surabaya.

So, this has been stated in article 45 of Law No. 1 of 2011 has provided a response regarding the legal entity that is doing the construction of a single house, a row house, or a flat, so here you should not make a maximum handover, 80%). This will be discussed further.

Not only that, this matter will be discussed with article 42 paragraph (2) of Law no. 1 of 2011 too. So, you have to really pay attention to this later you are sued for reporting full money even though housing has not been completely. Not only pay attention to the law in doing business, you must also pay attention to capital costs.

Do you want to consult this matter directly as well? You can visit the place of business law consultants in Surabaya right now only on Jalan Tegalsari No. 33, Surabaya, East Java. The team in the Ansugi consultation really has been engaged in the field of law and is very trusted to solve legal issues related to business.

It turns out that in selling unfinished residential property, there is an agreement. What letter is that? PPJB (Preliminary Purchase Agreement). Well, this PPJB letter is very important to be developed first as a property developer for buyers of residential buildings that have not been completely finished.

This PPJB letter is a letter of agreement only for the sale and purchase of property (housing) which is still half-done. In this case there must be provisions in article 42 paragraph (2) of Law no. 1 of 2011, there are conditions that must be approved in making a PPJB letter. You should know this in Law No. 1 of 2011.

You can ask further directly to Ansugi Law, a business law consultant in Surabaya. Do not get too far with the property business law.



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