GeneralBest Law Firm Surabaya

The company that you run must have been bound by an agreement. Do you already know about the details of the “Agreement”? This time, the best Surabaya law office Ansugi Law will provide a little explanation regarding the agreement. In the KUHP (Civil Code) an agreement is an act which involves one or more people, binding oneself with the people involved in it.

It can be said that this agreement is almost the same as a law, but it is different in its scope. Usually, with an agreement within this company, it can be used to minimize disputes that occur or resolve dispute problems. Nothing is impossible, when two companies work together or more there is no conflict. When making an agreement, there must be a lot of things that must be prepared by both parties. Maybe you are currently thinking, “Does the agreement between the parties involved in this company have to put the contents of the agreement in a written form?”

This time, the best Surabaya law office Ansugi Law will give you a little idea about the agreement that must be written as an obligation or it does not need to be written.

In article 1320 BW, there are actually no requirements regarding the form of the agreement, especially the written form. So, the answer “Should the agreement be written in writing?” is not. However, you must know that the agreement set forth in this written form will provide an ease of implementation and proof, when there are obstacles and problems. The simple explanation for implementation is that the agreement in writing will make it easier for the parties involved in reviewing some of the provisions stated and agreed upon by both parties.

This agreement is used when there is a difference of opinion between the bound parties. Therefore, in making an agreement you can ask for a little consideration from a company legal consultant. If, you don’t have a company legal consultant, you can rely on Ansugi Law, the best law office in Surabaya.

A simple explanation in the aspect of proof is that the agreement which has a written form can be used as evidence or it can be said to be a tool.

Meanwhile, when you apply an oral agreement, at least 2 witnesses are required. Do you understand the concept of this agreement for the good of the company? If you feel that something is missing, you can consult a little with the best Surabaya law office, Ansugi Law! Ansugi Law is the best legal expert in Surabaya, especially for a company.

If you want to have advisors and lawyers for your company, you can contact Ansugi Law or you can go directly to the best Surabaya law office at this time. You will get 100% full service so you can be protected from legal problems related to the company.



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