GeneralTop Surabaya Lawyer

In company activities, there is such a thing as an agreement or agreement. However, in carrying out an agreement or agreement, everyone involved in it must be careful so that there are no harmful mistakes. The current Top Surabaya lawyer article invites you to discuss the Addendum and Renvoi.

Before discussing this matter more deeply with Top Surabaya lawyers, do you know the Addendum and Renvoi? Not everyone understands the current corporate laws.

The first thing to discuss at this point is the Addendum. What is the Addendum? Addendum is a change that occurs in the contents of the agreement. You could say this is like an increase in the implementation procedure of an agreement that has been made.

How to illustrate a simple example? So, Top Surabaya lawyers provide an overview through the construction agreement.

Construction agreement, this Addendum can be in the form of “There is a change in the deadline schedule.” The detailed agreement value will be regarding the RAB, aka the Budget Plan, which in this case will only be made after signing the current agreement.

After knowing a little about the Addendum, you should know about Renvoi that is in the agreement. Renvoi is a change to a typo in an agreement that has been made at this time.

You must know that implementing Renvoi there are several ways that must be applied, including the following:

  1. Doing scribbling words, letters and numbers that you think are wrong and need to be corrected again.
  2. Not to forget, you have to add to the current justification.
  3. You also need to affix the initials of the parties concerned and bound which will state your approval of the changes.

After you know this, are you still curious about the discussion of the Addendum and Renvoi? Are you curious when “When is the right time to use Addendum and Renvoi.” A little review about using Addendum and Renvoi. So, to use the Addendum and Renvoi, it is necessary to adjust the current needs.

When you want to change the substance of the agreement, such as changing the payment schedule, you can use the Addendum. Meanwhile, when you only find a letter of agreement that is typo or a little typo, it can be said that this characteristic is quite simple, you can use renvoi. It’s very easy to understand isn’t it? The difference between Addendum and Renvoi is quite clear.

If, you are still confused about the Addendum or Renvoi and even other legal cases that have occurred in Indonesia. You can contact Top Surabaya’s attorney, Ansugi Law. You can consult through the platform provided or you can do the consultation directly by coming to the Ansugi Law office. Don’t be late for not doing legal consultation in Indonesia. Without the law, the company will find it difficult to develop.



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